If you are tired of eating fast food and you want to lead a healthier lifestyle with food that is full of nutrients and has multiple health benefits, then look no further than Greek food.

The Greek diet is closely linked to the very popular Mediterranean diet which is classed as the top diet in the world.

With the main focus on these diets being eating foods such as fruits and vegetables, as well as lean meats/proteins, and whole grains, the Greek and Mediterranean diet is something that many people who want to eat healthier will turn to for healthy fats and a balanced diet.

The topic today is Greek food and if it is healthy for everyone as well as what the health benefits of Greek food are, plus some examples of the variety of foods people can eat to maintain a healthy diet.

What Are The Health Benefits of Traditional Greek Food?

Food from Greece is high in monounsaturated fatty acids, antioxidants, polyphenols, vitamin C, and carotenoids.

If a dish calls for whole grains, then they are cooked al dente (still firm to the bite), which lowers the glycemic index which can control blood sugar as well as insulin level, and help with managing weight loss.

The traditional Mediterranean diet/Greek diet can also help reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease, plus it lowers blood pressure.

Staying away from a lot of saturated fat and other bad fats, the Greek diet is perfect for people who need to take care of their health through their food.

Is Greek Food Healthy?

It is pretty obvious that there is a lot of healthy Greek food out there for people to dive into, and by eating fresh Greek dishes, people will get a whole host of benefits that we will discuss below, so you can change your normal salad to a traditional Greek salad.

Packed With Amazing Antioxidants

Fresh vegetables and a lot of herbs and olive oil make Greek cuisine a perfect meal at any time of the day.

Spinach, fresh oregano, parsley, lemons, and tomatoes all have their own health benefits that will make people salivate as soon as they smell their food coming in a Greek restaurant.

The benefits on the body have been mentioned above, but there have also been some links to Greek food preventing depression in people which is a huge benefit considering many people in this day and age suffer from mental health problems.

Incredibly Fresh

Greek food always has fresh ingredients in them, so if you want food that smells and tastes like it has just been picked and put on your plate, then you can’t go wrong with fresh Greek food.

Fresh food can help with lowering cholesterol which can contribute to cardiovascular diseases in high quantities, and if that wasn’t also a great thing for your body, Omega 3 fatty acids, which are well known in the traditional Greek diet, promotes healthy brain aging.

Friendly For Vegetarians

Being a vegetarian can come with some drawbacks, specifically that not a lot of food is catered to your everyday diet.

Despite the fact that vegetarian food and vegan food have come a long way over the years, a lot of it is in packages and pumped with many preservatives and flavors so it doesn’t lose its taste.

When it comes to Greek cooking and Mediterranean cuisine, practically everything is fresh and filled with exactly what you need to meet your recommended daily allowances without going overboard or eating too many things from a packet.

People Live Longer

Through studies by health professionals, it has been said that residents who live in countries that border the Mediterranean Sea generally live long and they do not suffer from diseases and illnesses like Americans and other nations who have diets high in fatty foods that offer little to no health benefits.

These countries also are known for their active lifestyle too, so combining all of that together you get healthier and happier people all through what they eat and what they do.

We may not all be able to live next to the Mediterranean Sea, but we can still enjoy the same foods as them through Greek cuisine and others similar to it.

What Foods Are In a Greek Diet?

If you are unsure of where to start when you decide that eating Greek food looks to be the best choice for you, then below we will go into the main ingredients that you can find in Greek dishes and how you can incorporate them into your diet for the best possible outcome.

Olive Oil

This kind of oil is essential in Greek foods and meals, it is known as a healthy fat as it has been noted as preventing insulin resistance as well as obesity and certain diseases which can be made worse through eating bad fats, e.g. saturated fat and trans fat.


You may have heard of these already, or seen them in a tin in your supermarket, but they are considered a staple food in Greek cuisine and they have many health benefits that you may have not known about.

They are a good source of protein, complex carbohydrates, and fiber which can help you stay fuller for longer and meet your macronutrient requirements for the day.

Chickpeas have a good effect on helping you maintain your weight as well as on glycemic control.


These are not only there to add some flavor to your food or give it some color, but they are also an ingredient that can help you maintain a healthy diet.

Paying close attention to herbs such as rosemary, licorice, and chamomile will have multiple benefits if you want to get healthy or remain healthy.

  • Rosemary – Powerful antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties.
  • Licorice – Helps digestive health, menopausal symptoms, and bacterial and viral infections.
  • Chamomile – Treats gastrointestinal disturbances, as well as nausea, and motion sickness.

Greek Yogurt

Can’t forget one of the main Greek foods that many people are aware of and use in their day-to-day life, especially as plain Greek yogurt is filled with protein.

It is not only used in sweet dishes with fruits and used in overnight oats, it can also be used in savory dishes to add something extra to the dish.

It can either be combined with other ingredients in meals or it can be had by itself as a high-protein, low-carb, and low-calorie snack for people trying to hit their weight loss or fitness goals.

It is a food that can really be the perfect thing to have at any point and it won’t make you feel like you have eaten something that will mess with your food plan for the day, especially if you need something that little bit extra to tide you over.

Whole Grains

Grains such as barley, bulgur, sprouted wheat, and semolina are huge in Greek cuisine and you will always find some form of them in your meals when you go out to eat.

They can help reduce the risk of inflammation as well as type 2 diabetes, and they are filled with dietary fiber which can support your digestion and keep you fuller for longer so you won’t reach for sugary foods later in the day or even an hour after eating.

Creating a Meal

Many of these foods are designed to be made together so you can have a complete meal filled with all the nutrients you need for your day.

You can mix them with near enough anything, but always be wary of portions to ensure that you are not eating too much, as even something that is classed as healthy can not be good for you if you consume it in high doses.

There are many recipes that you can find online, as well as Greek food books that will provide you with all the assistance you need to create something delicious and perfect for your new diet.


Do you feel like the Greek diet is right for you?

Hopefully, you do as there is a lot that you can have fun with when starting this diet, plus you will feel the physical benefits a lot as time goes on, what’s not to love?

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